History of Bankruptcy Law in the U.S.

Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Spain and other countries were harsh on those who filed bankruptcy–no matter the reason. There was no leniency offered, no help, no rehabilitation for those who struggled financially.

The U.S. Congress introduced bankruptcy as a means to right and rehabilitate financial challenges that citizens experienced.

Bankruptcy in the United States: Part 1 of 3

Lanigan and Lanigan has provided bankruptcy support to businesses and individuals in Florida since 1976. There’s not a problem, issue or question that a client hasn’t asked. And every question is valid because before you consider filing bankruptcy, you should get answers relevant to you.

Every case is different and your friend, neighbor or co-workers shouldn’t influence your decision to file or not to file. Usually, it’s a very personal financial choice and a legal option that was created to provide debt relief and economic restructuring and counsel to those so that past challenges aren’t repeated.

Housing Up, Jobs, Economy Flat

homes cost more than people in an unstable economy want to spend. Will that mean that the demand for rentals will increase or that people will no longer upgrade properties and instead stay in smaller homes? Prices remain high in cities with high employment rates including San Francisco

Courtroom Lawyer vs. Contracts Lawyer

A litigation attorney has argued it in front of juries, he’s listened to judges and juries comment about the language that’s been used in various litigation regarding contracts and so he’s much more sensitive to, “all right, if this gets into a dispute, does this really say what is on the minds of these people or is it something that came out of a book that sounds great?”