Cancer Medical Bills Can Cause Bankruptcy

Generally, something insurmountable has happened to individuals, families or businesses with overwhelming debt that causes them to file bankruptcy. Maybe there was a divorce or a death in the family or a business collapse. 
Often, bankruptcy begins due to high medical bill. According to NPR, illness not covered by medical insurance causes medical bills to pile up and bankruptcy follows. 

Consult with Orlando bankruptcy lawyers Eric Lanigan and Roddy Lanigan who provide clients legal representation with a personal touch. You’ll find out that your scenario is different from everyone else’s, however, there are several commonalities.

Washington state researchers found that cancer patients were four times more likely to declare bankruptcy than the general population.

Looking in-depth at the types of cancer associated with bankruptcy there were several that were more expensive to treat:

  • Lung
  • Thyroid
  • Leukemia/lymphoma
  • Uterine
  • Colorectal

Some bankruptcies were filed after paying for cancer treatments which reached as much as $300,000. Generally, something insurmountable — like cancer — has happened to individuals, families or businesses to cause overwhelming debt.

Roddy Lanigan and Eric Lanigan handle bankruptcy in Orlando and Central Florida every day. Contact Eric and Roddy Lanigan, of Lanigan and Lanigan, P.L. Set an appointment to come into the Winter Park office and tell us what’s happened to you. They’ll find out what your options are and advise you on how to determine the best result for your situation.