December 2014 Florida Bankruptcy Rates

December 2014 Florida Bankruptcy Rates

Chapter 11 bankruptcy attorneyDecember 2014 Florida bankruptcy rates increased 6% over November 2014, and were down 10% from December 2013 according to the American Bankruptcy Institute.

The total number of Florida Chapter 7 cases was 43,000 and the total number of Chapter 13 cases is 22,751. The total number of Florida bankruptcies is 66,431.

Florida’s rank based on greatest per capita filings is No. 12.

What Debts Can Be Discharged in Bankruptcy?

There are many debts that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy including:

  • Federal student loans
  • Fraudulent debt from embezzlement
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • Child Support
  • Alimony
  • Some Property Settlements
  • Income Tax Liabilities
  • Department of Revenue sales tax liability

Approved Florida Bankruptcy Counseling

Before you file bankruptcy you have to complete pre- and post-bankruptcy counseling approved by the United States Trustee’s Office.

Bankruptcy is filed in one of three Florida district courts:

No matter where you file you have to complete counseling to learn about spending, saving, debt and credit. You’ll provide your list of debts, you’ll provide your list of bills, your income and monthly spending. The entire exercise is meant to teach those who file bankruptcy about spending habits, debt and credit.

No one knows how to recover from bankruptcy without guidance which is why the counseling is provided. There are many methods for recovering financially from bankruptcy.

Don’t Feel Guilty About Filing Bankruptcy

One primary step is to overcome the shame that you feel over what many describe as a personal financial catastrophe. Thousands of people file bankruptcy every day to begin again financially. If you’ve struggled with the decision you’re not alone.

More than 12% of the population say that they have thought about filing bankruptcy.

Instead, look at bankruptcy as a learning experience. You’ll be less likely to repeat any of your old habits if you had financial problems.